- New York University, Department of Psychology
- New York, NY Ph.D. 2012
Model-based reinforcement learning in humans, Cognitive Neuroscience, Nathaniel Daw
- 2012 Martin Braine Fellowship
2013 Douglas and Katharine Fryer Thesis Fellowship
- Data modeling and fitting
Machine learning
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Teaching assistant for undergraduate and doctoral behavioral statistics
- California Institute of Technology
- Pasadena, CA B.S. 2003
Bachelor's with Honor: Engineering and Applied Science, Concentration in Computer Science GPA: 3.8
- Operating systems and compiler design
Neural and learning systems
- Bellarmine College Preparatory
- San Jose, CA 1999
Work Experience
- Digital Research Repository Services, NYU
- New York, NY Research Data Storage Architect 2016-
- Worked with diverse group of researchers, librarians, and IT specialists to plan university data strategies
- Designed, developed, and deployed new data and repository services for researchers across the university
- Databrary, NYU
- New York, NY Systems Architect/Technical Lead 2012-2016
- Designed, built, supported, and oversaw continuing development of secure, academic video library
- Worked in small team to develop novel, community-driven web interfaces for video and metadata editing
- Full-stack, bespoke development of security-focused SQL/solr-based, video-streaming web application
- All development open source: published various tools, and contributed patches to existing frameworks
- National Museum of Mathematics
- New York, NY Technical Volunteer 2016-
- Helped diagnose and fix wide array of sophisticated exhibit software and hardware issues (8 hours/week)
- Rainfinity, EMC
- Pasadena, CA; New York, NY Senior Software Engineer 2003-2013
- Worked in 3-person team responsible for developing and enhancing NFS virtualization product
- Managed and updated product and development platform, architecture, and tools
- Interacted with other teams and support on maintaining entire product and diagnosing customer issues
- Applied and expanded knowledge of Linux kernel, NAS, network routing, and various other technologies
- Kidspace Children's Museum
- Pasadena, CA Operations Volunteer 2004-2006
- Work with museum staff and guests on art and educational activities and exhibits (8 hours/week)
- Undergraduate Computer Science Lab, Caltech
- Pasadena, CA Systems Administrator 2000-2003
- Administration of a student-run heterogeneous network of 40 UNIX machines
- Caltech Sub-millimeter Observatory
- Pasadena, CA Programmer 2000-2001
- Network layer between hardware drivers and client interface for telescope control
- TechGnosis, Inc.
- Los Angeles, CA Contractor for Lava 2140 2000
- Scripts and network interface for mobile-based web services
- ASCIT Web Services
- Caltech Web Engineer 2000-2003
- Student services web site design and implementation; system and database administration
- Concurrent Systems
- Seattle, WA Contractor 1999
- View-markup application integration for web-based document retrieval, editing, and submission
- Infinity, SunGard
- Mountain View, CA Configuration Management Engineer 1998
- Production, distribution, and configuration automation; development tools maintenance
- Mac Pro Systems & Software
- Campbell, CA Technician 1997
- Software and hardware installation, service, testing, support, and shipping
and Bellarmine Productions
- Theater Technical Director 1993-2001
- Cast and crew technical direction; set, lighting, and sound design, construction, and equipment operation
- Sacred Heart Community Service
- San Jose, CA Volunteer Newsletter Editor 1995-1997
- Editing and layout for monthly newsletter of about 1000 circulation
Publications & Presentations
- Databrary: Enabling Sharing and Reuse of Research Video.
Dylan A Simon, Andrew S Gordon, Lisa Steiger, Rick O Gilmore. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL '15), ACM 279-280. 2015
- Model-based choices involve prospective neural activity.
Bradley B Doll, Katherine D Duncan, Dylan A Simon, Daphna Shohamy, Nathaniel D Daw. Nature Neuroscience, 18(5) 767-772. 2015
- Disambiguating form and lexical frequency effects in MEG responses using homonyms.
Dylan A Simon, Gwyneth Lewis, Alec Marantz. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27(2) 275-287. 2012
- The ubiquity of model-based reinforcement learning.
Bradley B Doll, Dylan A Simon, Nathaniel D Daw. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2012
- Dual-system learning models and drugs of abuse.
Dylan A Simon, Nathaniel D Daw. In Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction, ch. 5, Springer. 2012
- Environmental statistics and the trade-off between model-based and TD learning in humans.
Dylan A Simon, Nathaniel D Daw. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, 127-135. 2011
- Neural correlates of forward planning in a spatial decision task in humans.
Dylan A Simon, Nathaniel D Daw. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(14) 5526-5539. 2011
- The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
- Portland, OR August 14, 2010
Neural correlates of decision evaluation by forward planning, Dynamic Decision Making symposium
- Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Conference
- Boston, MA November 18, 2009
Model-based learning and planning in a spatial navigation task, talk and poster
Skills & Projects
- Technologies:
C, Haskell, *sh, JavaScript, SQL, Scala, perl, R, OCaml, Java, C++, Matlab, python, scheme, Ruby, x86/x86_64
Extensive knowledge of GNU/Linux, git, PostgreSQL, video, FreeBSD, NFS, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML5, ...
- Open Source:
- Authored, maintain, and contributed to various projects (see github/dylex, dylex.net/src)
- Patches accepted to linux kernel, glibc, gcc, ghc, purescript, Play, git, ffmpeg, and many other projects
- Type-aware Haskell PostgreSQL interface; Android port of busybox and rsync (in CyanogenMod and others)
November 10, 2016